4 min readSep 10, 2022



Dear Holders, dear Followers,

WeAbove started with six friends working on the TV Show “Arcane”. Six artists with a dream. A dream that spread fast as we recruited a team from Web3 to help us turn our imaginations into reality.

The first step was to create the most beautifully NFT collection yet, built around a world drenched in awesome lore and engaging characters. From this collection we plan to establish a unique brand that will grow beyond just NFTs; clothing, books, games, the sky is no limit for WeAbove.

This isn’t possible though without the support and trust of our community. To establish this trust from the start, each Co-Founder doxxed themselves. We wanted to share our passion, our dream, our world, and unite the NFT community around our project unlike any other before it.

These last 24 hours have been particularly intense as you might know. The mint went a little bit off the rails. We should have listened more to the advice and warnings you gave us. We are listening now!

It’s heartwarming to see the support of our holders, and the rest of our community. It gives us strength and courage to continue to fight for our dream, and do what we set out to do from the start. To show we are serious, we aren’t going to pay ourselves anything from this mint. Everything we earned will be used to build and develop WeAbove and its roadmap.

Here is our plan going forward, based on a lot of suggestions made by the community.


  • We are going to end the mint on Sunday, September 11th at 10pm UTC. We will lock the smart contract, and that will be the final supply.
  • Remember that you are limited to 2 NFTs per wallet so you can just use another wallet if you want to mint (here is the mint page).
  • After that time, the only way to get one of those NFTs will be on the secondary market.
  • This Prime Collection will be unique for our holders because our tech team will ensure that all the 1/1 and rarest are present in this collection. They absolutely can’t interfere with the randomness, they can just tell the algorithm to include those.
  • These Prime Holders (our OG) will have forever first choice and premium access on exclusive offers and events. They will have a special role on Discord and a special place with the WeAbove Team.
  • The reveal will be next week.

We considered waiting and keeping the mint open. But it felt like giving up and letting our holders down. We also imagined dropping the price but due to technical limitations, it is not possible without creating an entirely new smart contract. And if that happens, we would need to migrate the entire collection on the new contract, and make the holders do unnecessary transactions for something they never wanted.

We are extremely motivated to keep moving forward and develop this amazing project. We are already talking with Web2 brands like Superdry, and Web3 actors like The Sandbox. Many more will be announced shortly.

As artists, we want you to discover our art fully. We created so many characters, we spent so much time building it that we want to showcase them to you.

So we decided to create a new collection base on the first original collection:


  • After much consideration, to show you that we heard your voices and value it, we decided that this collection, available before end of September, will be a FREEMINT.
  • It will still have the same rarity chart as the original collection, with super rares, special effects, and everything that made the Art of WeAbove so unique and beautiful…
  • …Except animation and sounds: those are exclusively for our Prime Collection.
  • A different (but super stylish) background to recognize instantly the Prime Collection from the free one.
  • The holders of the Prime Collection will be granted a Prime Whitelist and be able to mint 2 Free NFTs / NFT Prime held. That OG mint will take place before the Regular Whitelist mint where people can mint only 1 NFT per wallet.
  • People holding an NFT from the freemint collection will be a part of the Family as well, and will have exclusive access to our future content. But of course, Prime holders will have advantages over this collection holders.

We are sure that this will be the most amazing freemint collection on the market, and we can’t wait for you to discover all of our characters.

See you Above Survivors!




WeAbove is an NFT collection conceived and created by world-renowned artists specialized in 2D and 3D animation, who worked on the famous Netflix show : ARCANE.